Welcome to Family & Children’s Services of the Waterloo Region
Welcome to our website! A little bit about us: Family & Children's Services of the Waterloo Region is authorized under the Children, Youth and Family Services Act to respond to concerns about children in the Region. That doesn’t, in most cases, mean removing them from their families - 99% of the families we work get the help they need to care safely for their children at home. We know that early intervention and help can reduce the need for more intrusive services later, and we work with many community partners to put those supports in place.
** Cambridge Office Updates **
Our office located at 68 Hespeler Road, Cambridge ON is available for in-person visits by appointment only. If you need immediate assistance, please visit our Kitchener office located at 200 Ardelt Ave for walk-in support during regular business hours.
Concerns About Our Service?
Do you have a concern about our service to you? Link here for more information...