Volunteer Profiles

Meet our Volunteers!


Meet Peter, one of our amazing Volunteers. Peter became involved with us in July 2020 right after he completed his ECE. He started out with us as a Volunteer Driver, and with his background working with children – we were able to move him into other roles at the Agency. Currently he works with our Resilience Project Youth programs: Creative Spaces and Mini-Act Theatre and he has recently started helping with our Incredible Kids program.

Peter’s advice to new volunteers is to enjoy every moment. Talk and Laugh with the children, and always have a smile on your face. What keeps him volunteering is the awesome people that he works with: the children, youth, families, and staff. It’s a very supportive place that is friendly, caring and all around awesome. Yes - we are pretty awesome too!! 😊

Peter loved his time as a volunteer driver but is very happy with all his new roles supporting our children & youth programs. His new assignments support his love of music and his desire to make a difference with children & youth. Whether it’s singing along, playing the guitar or just being there where they need to talk- he loves sharing those moments and sharing encouraging words with the children he works with.

Thank you, Peter, – for going above and beyond to provide support to the children and families in our community!!! We couldn’t do this work without your help!!

Meet Peter, one of our amazing Homework Support Volunteers. We first met Peter in early 2023 and found out about his background in elementary education as a schoolteacher – what a bonus it was to accept him as a volunteer. Peter has volunteered for a few other agencies in our community, but he was interested in a role where he could have a one-to-one relationship providing support with homework and learning opportunities. As part of his role, he meets very regularly with the child he is matched with and has loved seeing the progress they are making together. One of Peter’s favourite memories so far is when the child was able to sound out all of the letters and began reading simple books. Being a Homework Support volunteer means juggling the learning moments with some fun moments and making that one-to-one connection.

Peter has made an outstanding difference in the life of the child he volunteers with. The child looks forward to their time together with great anticipation and he says it is his favourite time in the week! There is not enough support available at school to help this child close his learning gaps. Peter has been diligently supporting the child through these learning gaps over the past year. Peter is a truly outstanding volunteer!

Thank you, Peter, – for going above and beyond to provide support to the children and families in our community!!! We couldn’t do this work without your help!!

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Homework Support volunteer with us – please email us at volunteer.services@facswaterloo.org or phone us at 519-576-0540

Meet Coté, one of amazing Homework Support Volunteers

She joined our program last year and was immediately matched to a child who needed help with reading and support with literacy building skills. With Coté’s experience from another local literacy-based organization – this was a perfect match! Over the period of one year – Coté has seen her mentee open up and develop a great relationship. They are building a long-lasting connection that wraps positive support around a child. It is very important for children to have many positive relationships with adults that encourage them to build trust and provides them with support and guidance. Coté looks forward to her weekly meet ups and she loves being part of the good things in her mentee’s world.

For anyone considering a volunteer position with us, Coté’s advice is that Communication is the key to a volunteer’s success. Communication with the parent/caregiver, child’s worker and with the child is so important. Regular text updates about the fun activities and improvements in the subject areas – really supports the success of the volunteer assignment.

Coté is happy to be a volunteer with FACS Waterloo as she loves the good work that is happening and the impact she has on children in our community.

Thank you, Coté, – for going above and beyond to provide support to the children and families in our community!!! We couldn’t do this work without your help!!

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Homework Support Volunteer with us – please email us at volunteer.services@facswaterloo.org or phone us at 519-576-0540

Meet Kimberly, one of our amazing Volunteer Drivers. Kimberly decided to get involved as a volunteer after driving by one of our ‘Help Needed’ signs. She has always been involved in her community – but helping support children and families is just a bonus for her. In her current role as a volunteer driver, she sees the impact of her contributions in the reactions of children and their caregivers. She sees the importance of having the same consistent driver each time and how this helps children have a positive start to their day.

Kimberly loves being a Volunteer Driver! The car is often a safe space for the kids, and they will tell her the funniest stories. Being there for the kids she drives is so rewarding. She loves that a small gesture makes such a huge difference. She has learned many jokes, been introduced to new music, and has learned all about Pokémon. This keeps her young at heart. One of her favourite memories was pulling up on the first day of school into the driveway of 2 children that she had been driving to school for the past school year. She immediately saw their grins, and when they opened the car door, they had the biggest greeting for her. It was like no time had passed at all. It made her smile to realize how something as simple as a ride to school, meant so much to the children she supports.

Kimberly regularly drives for us 5-6 days a week!!! WOW – Truly we cannot thank you enough for your gift of time and the connections you make with so many children & youth!!! And she doesn’t end it there – she is also looking to volunteer with us as a Family Mentor this year.

Thank you, Kimberly, – for going above and beyond to provide support to the children and families in our community!!! We couldn’t do this work without your help!!

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Volunteer Driver or Family Mentor with us – please email us at volunteer.services@facswaterloo.org or phone us at 519-576-0540


Meet Janet, one of FACS Waterloo’s Life Book Volunteers. What is a Life Book? A Life Book is more than a photo album or scrapbook. It contains written information and explanations of the significant events in the lives of children and youth. It is an illustrated, coherent narrative for children who are in care. A life book will help a child put together their identity, which may have become fragmented from important events and significant people. The life book story, while approaching the child's past with honesty and compassion, looks to the future with hope.

Janet has been a valued Lifebook volunteer for the Agency since the summer of 2016. She has created many beautiful and treasured Life Books for children in the care of the Agency, most of whom were in the process of being adopted. The adoption team would like to thank Janet for her wonderful dedication to this important aspect of our work. After the pandemic, Janet was the only Life Book volunteer to return, and we are so grateful for her dedication! Janet brings her lovely personality (and her tech savvy skills) to all the work she does. She is wonderful to work with and always makes sure the projects continue to move forward.

Janet joined us after her retirement from the school board. Her work was always focused on children – so said why her retirement would be any different. She loves the good feeling of helping a child. She feels strongly that all children have a right to feel safe and loved. Being a volunteer in the Life Book process, you get to hear how this book can bring comfort to both children and their family. When a child receives their Lifebook, it provides them with the opportunity to learn about their past in order to connect them with their future.

Thank you, Janet, – for going above and beyond to provide support to the children and families in our community!!! We couldn’t do this without your help!!

If you would like to learn more about becoming a volunteer, please go to Volunteer Opportunities (facswaterloo.org) or reach out by email volunteer.services@facswaterloo.org /by phone us today 519-576-0540.