FC Community Hub Project
The Community Hub is an innovative incubator project for small and start-up not-for-profit groups and organizations, operating out of a space on the main level of The Family Centre.
In addition to being an office space, the Hub acts as a small ‘incubator’, where organizations are helped and encouraged to build their own sustainability. Participant organizations are supported to grow their capacity to serve the community through mentorship (provided by Capacity Canada), learning opportunities, sharing resources, and collaborative partnerships.
Want to learn more?
Our Family Centre Community Hub has been featured in the Cord Community Edition's "10 Ideas to Change Waterloo!" Click here to see the article
- Social Planning Toronto did a short write-up on our FC Community Hub for their report "Public Space for Public Use" (see page 4)
- We have also featured the FC Community Hub project on the Centre for Community Knowledge website
Joining the Community Hub
We are continuing to accept applications from small and start-up social profits who want to join with us to support families to be stronger and healthier.
In the Background and Expression of Interest form you will find detailed background information on the project, information on what will be provided, and information about our expectations for Hub members.
If you have any questions or concerns about completing the application, please contact Oluwakemi Aderibigbe, Director of Community Engagement & Partnerships, at oluwakemi.aderibigbe@facswaterloo.org or (519) 576-0540 ext. 3586.