Bridges to Belonging

LINKS For Youth by Youth
An Interactive Workshop Experience for youth 14 - 24 experiencing social isolation and barriers to inclusion. Use this link to complete the registration form:

Be-Friends Program: BE-Friends is a volunteer matching program that connects people with any disability 17 years or older (Friend) with a community volunteer "Buddy" (19 years or older). The pair gets together as often as they want, enjoy fun activities they choose and become part of each other's world. BE-Friends a bridge to meaningful reciprocal relationships and lifelong friendships

To be matched with a Community Buddy REGISTER HERE

To Volunteer as Community Buddy: REGISTER HERE

Please the following link to BE-Connected on Wednesday 7pm-8pm:

(Meeting ID: 893 7164 7704)

Please send your Expression of Interest and Resume to: or call 519-603-0998 for more information.
Please send your Expression of Interest and Resume to: or call 519-603-0998 for more information.