Volunteer Profiles

Meet our Volunteers!

Meet Lindsay, one of our amazing Mentor Volunteers. Lindsay first became involved with us September 2023 when she moved back to our Region after graduating with her Honours Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. During her degree, she volunteered with many different agencies but after moving back to the Waterloo Region, she knew she needed to be involved in her community. Lucky for us – she saw our volunteer program and wanted to get involved with us!

Whether she is lending a listening ear or providing her mentee with fun distractions – they have created a safe space together. Showing up means so much. Lindsay shared that sometimes you may feel like you can’t solve someone’s problems or aren’t doing enough but showing up means more to them than you can imagine. Her mentee has shared that that going on a car ride is some of her favourite parts of their meet ups. The activities don’t have to be extravagant, sometimes it is the smallest things that mean the most.

One her favourite memories so far recently happened after a drive together. They have spent many sessions together studying to help her mentee prepare for driver training and writing the G1 test. They went out to get food, and Lindsay had parked completely crooked. Her mentee got out of the car and pointed it out and they shared a good laugh together.

Lindsay continues to volunteer because of the positive impact she has been able to create with her mentee while having a great support system behind her at FACS. What she enjoys the most is making her mentee smile and laugh and being able to share new experiences together.

Thank you, Lindsay – for going above and beyond to provide support to the children and families in our community!!! We couldn’t do this work without your help!!

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Volunteer Mentor with us – please email us at volunteer.services@facswaterloo.org or phone us at 519-576-0540

To read the full story on Lindsay and other volunteers – you can find it on our webpage: Volunteer Profiles | Family & Children's Services of the Waterloo Region (facswaterloo.org)

#MeetOurVolunteers #Volunteersmakeadifference #kwawesome #volunteeropportunity #JoinUsToday #EveryMomentMatters #VolunteerMentor


Meet Peter, one of our amazing Volunteers. Peter became involved with us in July 2020 right after he completed his ECE. He started out with us as a Volunteer Driver, and with his background working with children – we were able to move him into other roles at the Agency. Currently he works with our Resilience Project Youth programs: Creative Spaces and Mini-Act Theatre and he has recently started helping with our Incredible Kids program.

Peter’s advice to new volunteers is to enjoy every moment. Talk and Laugh with the children, and always have a smile on your face. What keeps him volunteering is the awesome people that he works with: the children, youth, families, and staff. It’s a very supportive place that is friendly, caring and all around awesome. Yes - we are pretty awesome too!! 😊

Peter loved his time as a volunteer driver but is very happy with all his new roles supporting our children & youth programs. His new assignments support his love of music and his desire to make a difference with children & youth. Whether it’s singing along, playing the guitar or just being there where they need to talk- he loves sharing those moments and sharing encouraging words with the children he works with.

Thank you, Peter, – for going above and beyond to provide support to the children and families in our community!!! We couldn’t do this work without your help!!